
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2019


Hello mates! Weight is important in School too, so student must learn it in the most dynamic way. For this, I have thought that students can see a video about this and they can learn what is this. Here you can see the  LINK  to the video. Later, we can do two types of activities: - In the first one, students are going to do a cake. For this, they must weigh all the ingredients the cake needs nad later cook it. They will study the small units of weight with this activity. - Later, students will weigh and measure themselves and later calculate the BMI (body-mass index) to discover if their bodies are compensated. In this way, students can study the bigger units of weight.

Online games

Hello mates! I want to show you a webpage in which you can find different activities about measurement adapted to all the cycles of Primary Education. To play online is a good resource in mathematics because sometimes students think it is difficult or boring, so with this types of resources, students can realise that it is not true, mathematics is a very important and interesting subject. Here you have the  LINK .

A video about lenght

Hello mates! Today I want to show you a video I have found to teach how is the lenght and its unit of measurement, which is the metre. It is an interesting video to the first cycle of Primary Education because in my opinion it explains how it is and how to measure properly. Here you have the  LINK . Hope you like it!