
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2019


Hello mates! Today I want to show you a tool you can use to create your own class material. We have used it in class for doing an infographic about a particular unit to sum it up. I think it is a good source because it is easy to use and free, so you can edit your units and try students do an infography to about something and later explane it in class. I show you an example that I have done with it. Hope you liked it. Bye!

Measurement converter App

Hello mates! Today I want to show you an App I think is useful to use in class with the biggest students of Primary Education. The App's name is Metric Conversion and you can use it to transform an unit in other different, just like learn about new units of measurement, bigger or smaller. We could plan an exercises battery using this App because I think students could learn a lot using new technologies. Here you can find the  link  to download it to Android systems.

Measure in class

Hello again mates! I want to show you a video about how to revise how to measure with the smallest courses of primary educacion. I think in mathematics, we have to revise all the contents, specially with little students because, this is one of the best ideas to get the students learn perfectly. In this case, the teacher revise the measurement in an active way and later, students with their materials, measure some things by their own. It is important to give the students the freedom to do the activities because it is the best way to learn something and never forget it. Here you can find the  link .

Text books in class?

Hello mates! Today I want to talk about something I think is a dilemma to all of us. I refer to text books. Are important in class? Are unnecessary? Are indispensable? What is the most correct adjective to mark the book? Well, in my opinion any of them. I think both radical thoughs are not good. We have to think they are our friends, not a simple leafs combination that make the students get a less academic efficiency, which think the majority of teachers. When I am in a classroom, I will use the text book, at least as a guide to myself, because in this you can see the contents students need to pass a particular course. In one hand, if you decide to carry out your classes without any book, you probably could use it at the end of each unit, for example, to reinforce the contents given, or to catch examples to do any exam (if you decide to test the students). In a particular situation I saw when I was in my practices, my teacher did not use any book. A day, my teacher could not ...